Dear Customer,
Hope you and your family are in good health.
The Covid- 19 Pandemic that all of us are facing is an exceptional and unprecedented situation affecting our lives, work and business. Taking cognizance of this, and also in line with the RBI guideline, we are happy to offer all our customers a moratorium (‘Intellegrow COVID-19 Moratorium’) of 3 months starting from 1st March 2020 to 31st May 2020. Our goal, through the rollout of the Intellegrow COVID-19 Moratorium is to be together with you in this difficult period and support you in dealing with disruptions in business so that you can focus on your family’s health and safety.
Please make note of the following in relation to the above Intellegrow COVID-19 Moratorium:
In line with the RBI guideline on the COVID-19 Moratorium, interest shall continue to accrue on your Principal Outstanding during the moratorium period, at the same rate as contracted for your loan. The interest payable by you shall be communicated to you in due course, and the same shall be collected immediately after the moratorium period is completed If you have already fully paid the March 2020 EMI, the relief would only be applicable for the EMIs payable in April 2020 and May 2020 There is no moratorium on overdues prior to 1st March 2020. Hence in case you have any overdue instalments /other dues, we request you to kindly pay the same immediately to avoid penal charges and slippage in credit bureau rating. In line with the moratorium offered as above, we shall not present the Cheque/NACH for payment on the EMI due-date. However, in case you want to continue to pay the EMI during this period, kindly send your confirmation to [email protected] within 7 days. Alternatively, please fill in your details on this page and submit your confirmation within 7 days if you wish to continue to pay your EMIs. Non receipt of any communication within the given time will be considered as your deemed consent for the Intellegrow COVID-19 Moratorium.
Since the moratorium is being provided specifically to enable the borrowers to tide over economic fallout from COVID-19, the same will not be treated as concession or change in terms and conditions of loan agreements due to financial difficulty of the borrower, and shall not result in asset classification downgrade/ deterioration in the credit bureau score.
To help you take the right decision, we have also provided an FAQ and urge you to go through the list of questions. Feel free to write to us at [email protected] for any other clarifications.
We assure you that we are with you in this challenging time, as always. Take care, stay safe and stay healthy.
Warm Regards,